woensdag 23 december 2009


And People,
just as i promised, here is my second message. In just one single day! Now back to my point...

Guys, today i've installed Linux Ubuntu on my laptop. Just to check out all this mess on the internet that Linux is the real hackers OS. Well....i've checked it out and....My god this really is a wonderfull OS. Really, i didn't believe my eyes. I've immediately downloaded Wine, Aircrack, Kismet, Nmap and more.

At this moment i am learning all those unix commands. They're quite simple. (while i think DOS is simpler though)

I also reviewed my knowledge about wardriving(,warwalking, warflying, warskating etc). I am definitely gonna try this out in the field.

Well, that was it for today.

Happy Hacking,

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome readers, to my first post.
First i will introduce myself. I am Raseac_MI, a learning hacker. 13 years old. Later i would like to go into security. And to specify my future plans, i mean security with computers. My biggest dream is to become a Penetration Tester. Hacking while you're getting paid for it. I think that's the dream of almost any hacker on this planet.

In my free time i like to expand my knowledge about how operating systems work, networks and most important of all: keep up with the constant chang of technology. And that's the hardest part.

And some of you guys might think that i am just one of the many scriptkiddies. Well, i'am not.
While hacking i try to use as less software as possible. I don't seek my victims depending on the security vulnerability, but instead i chose a victim and then observate the system for vulnerabilities. And if you've read what i wrote in the first paragraph you must understand that i want to become a Pen Tester. And to make my way to that level i need to resist the easy tools freely available and do everything at my own.

Well...now, what am i gonna post on this blog?
On this blog or at this blog (english isn't my native language) i will put my thoughts and discoveries. So you might read this blog as a dairy. For example i will put my resent experiences (computer related), and technological discoveries. With discoveries i mean milesteps in my 'carreer'. So, for example, hack tacticts. What i will also post here are ebooks or links to text files. Becouse, of course, the most important thing to do as a hacker is expanding your knowledge. You can do this by reading.

Well that was my first post, i hope i have the time to put another one today. See you later folks.
